Quem sou eu?

Minha foto
Sou a luz das estrelas a cor do luar,a força da imaginação,o sangue no olhar do vampiro.

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Today I wanna write in English!

Today I want to write in English, because I dream in one day to speak in English fluent, so I'm going to tell you about my last day.
Yesterday it was very funny, 'cause in my house a party was happening and all of my family they were amusing if. There was a lot of foods and drinks. Now I'm very happy, but, I'm not good enough to speak about my day... so, I'm going to speak about aleatory things...
I'm worried about my future, because I don't know yet the change about my vestibular, I'm in doubt: do I make psychology or international relationships? I don't know :( I want to do both.
But I really want it is to do 'intercâmbio', but I don't know if my parents will allow, they think that I'm too young =( , but I have a hope yet (yn).
Now, I'm going to wear my uniform of school and I have to eat lunch..
Bye .. See you tomorrow!

In portuguese now..

Obrigada por me indicarem a Destaque na campanha da AmizadeFiquei muito contente por isso, e sentir que meu blog esta tomando um rumo..Rss..

[ Estou atrasada para ir para a escola, por isso vou treminar meu post a noite =].. então, por favor retornem mais tarrde a.a ]